Devon Partnership Trust Go Live

Devon Partnership Trust Go Live

Devon Partnership Trust and Cambio UK have worked together to move the Trusts existing commissioning referral process for Secure Mental Health patients for the South West to the PFM Platform.

The South West Region Lead provider collaboration involves 8 partners providing circa 350 beds for patients requiring secure mental health care. The PFM solution for referrals, access assessment and bed flow management system tracks new referrals, completed assessments within the commissioned timeframe, the number of patients currently in beds across the region, movement within the units and across the region as well as identifying any bed vacancies in real time. In addition, there are patients placed in Out of Area beds which can be monitored for potential repatriation and oversight of the placement.

The new solution provides electronic versions of the forms that were sent via email and replacement of an XLS to manage the cases and workload.

The system facilitates electronic communication and providers and partners around the region are now maintaining details of the patients in their units, updating referral and assessment information online and the commissioning group has visibility of the situation.

Referrals are added from around the region from partners including HMP. These are assessed and on a weekly basis reviewed and managed, prioritised etc waiting for a suitable bed to become available. Patient who are Out of Region (OOR) are also managed with repatriations.

The solution has been delivered in a short period over the period where COVID19 impacted usual project and development delivery. All parties adapted well to remote meetings using MS Teams. The solution has been implemented as a Cloud solution using a Kubernetes application in MS Azure.